Hey guys, how are you? It's night here (Argentina) and want talk some with anyone who's reading this blog. Tomorrow is new year.
What are your goals for this year? Mine are improve my life (so hard) and be more productive. Anyway I was starting with this from the past year but yes, it's constantly, I'm not the best living, to say truth.
I wanna draw more, and make games. For me, because I think no one is playing my game and no one is reading my blogs or seeing my art, but I do it for me, or at least I wanna do it for me. I think that's a good thing, have good feels... I wanna make more blogs, more personal, about more complex things. Feel free of let me know your goals for this year, thoughts, any thing really, will be glad of read your comments :).
Merry xmas and happy new year for all my Newgrounds homies!